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Below are links to news articles and videos showing SPHC's involvment in efforts to aid Haiti following the major earthquake in 2010.

Anchor 1

Article on 2010 earthquake

Ministry Today Magazine

Article on 2010 earthquake

Lancaster Online

Article on 2010 earthquake

Millersville University

Haiti Aid Mission 2010

Video #1

Haiti Aid Mission 2010

Video #2

Haiti Aid Mission 2010

Video #3

Haiti Aid Mission 2010

Video #4

Haiti Aid Mission 2010

Video #5

Posted "Thank You" Letter

Hershey Jr. Bears

Below are links to videos and documents showing SPHC's (called Haitian Pentecostal Church at the time) involvement in aiding Haiti after Hurricane Jeanne in 2004

List of supplies sent to Haiti from generous donators

Haiti Relief 2004

Gonaives Video

Anchor 2

HAITI Snapshots

Below are pictures that we have received from our contacts in different parts of Haiti after Hurricaine Matthew in 2016. 

Houses have been severely damaged and many 

are sleeping in makeshift tents without cover.

Anchor 3

donation Snapshots

(Hurricaine Matthew 2016)

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