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Blessings in Obedience (English & Kreyol)

(Kreyol la pi ba)

Original message: 6/5/16

  • 1 Corinthians 13:13 - Three things will always remain: faith, hope and love.

  • If a Christian believes and obeys God, that Christian will be able to walk God's path well

  • if you believe in God, no matter how things are going, you will never turn left or right because you know that God is in control fo everything.

  • Worry is one thing that causes many Christians to be unable to show their faith in God. Instead of waiting for God's instructions, they try to find their own way to fix their problems.

  • God is never far from us. He is always ready to help us in all circumstances.

  • Genesis 26:1-6 : God was with Isaac during a time of famine, because o how Abraham obeyed God in the past.

  • There are some people who say that they are with you, but when you get to a certain situation, they can't stand by your side. Others are only with you for a reason, and once they get what they were looking for, they leave you.

  • God is not like that. If He says that He is with you, He will always be there. When He says that he is going to do something, there is nothing that can stop Him from doing it. You may delay what He says He will do with your actions, but He will do it eventually.

  • If you believe in God, you have to do what He tells you to do. But in the time that we live in, people prefer to listen to friends or other people who don't know God, instead of listening God or people who are speaking His word.

  • We also should not just listen to God, but we have to put what He says into practice.

  • Hebrews 11:17 – It was because Abraham had faith in God that he obeyed God in what God had asked him to do.

  • Genesis 22:1-19 – God tests Abraham

  • V. 5 – He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.

  • Abraham should have said that he was the only one coming back. Even when Isaac asked where the sacrificial lam was, Abraham answered that God will provide.

  • If you want your problems solved, obey God in everything.

  • Abraham obeyed God, so much so that his descendants enjoyed the blessings from his obedience.

  • If you are only looking to please yourself and forget about God, you will not be able to receive His blessings.

  • There are some really tough times that you will go through and it's not until it has passed that you will understand why it happened.

  • Those of you who have a chance to change, Change! Obedience brings blessings. Disobedience will not bring you favor from God.

  • If you truly believe in God, you will obey His Words.

  • Don't obey God only in what you want to obey, but obey Him in everything and you will enjoy eterity in paradise.



Dat messaj: 6/5/16

  • 1 Co. 13:13 - Twa bagay kap toujou rete se lafwa, lesperans e charite

  • Si yon kretyen kwe nan Bondye e obeyi Li, kretyen sa gen anpil nan men li pou li ka fe wout la

  • Si ou kwe nan Bondye, ninpot jan sa ye, ou pap janm vire ni agoch, ni adwat, paske Bondye an kontwol tout bagay

  • Inkyetid se yon bagay ki fe anpil kretyen paka montre jan yo kwe nan Bondye, paske yo pa tan Bondye. Yo eseye fe mouvman pa yo pou regle pwoblem yo

  • Bondye pa janm rete lwen nou – Li toujou pret pou sekoure nou nan tout sikonstans

  • Jenez 26:1-6 : Bondye te avek Izarak nan yon tan grangou akoz de obeyisan Abraham

  • Gen moun ki di yo avek ou, gen kote yo rive yo paka avek ou anko; gen lot moun ki avek ou pou yon bagay e le yo jwen bagay la, yo kite ou.

  • Bondye pa konsa, depi Li di li ave-w, Li ave-w. Depi Li di yon bagay, li paka pa fe-l. Se ou ki ka delay sa Bondye di-a, men L-ap fe li kanmenm

  • Si nou kwe Bondye, fo-k nou fe sa Li di nou fe. Men nan tan sa, moun pito kwe zanmi ak lot moun, ke yo kwe Bondye ak moun kap pale pawol Li.

  • Men nou pa dwe selman tande, fo-k nou mete sa Bondye di an pratik

  • Ebre 11:17 – Se paske Abraram te gen konfians nan Bondye ki fe Abraram te obeyi Bondye nan sa Bondye te mande-l

  • Jenez 22:1-19 – Bondye sonde Abraram

  • V. 5 – Abraram di domestik li yo. -Nou menm, mesye, rete isit la ak bourik la. Mwen menm ak ti gason an, nou pral jouk lòt bò a, pou nou fè sèvis pou Bondye. Apre sa, n'a tounen vin jwenn nou.

  • Abraram te dwe di se li sel kap tounen. Menm le Izarak te mande kote mouton an, Abraram te reponn ke se Bondye ki va regle sa.

  • Si ou bezwen tout bagay regle, se pou ou obeyi Bondye nan tout bagay.

  • Abraram te obeyi Bondye e telman li te obeyi Bondye, menm pitit pitit li yo te rejwi nan benediksyon obeyisans Abraram lan.

  • Si se tet ou wap fe plezi selman e ou bliye Bondye, ou pap ka jwenn nan benediksyon sa yo.

  • Gen moman ki ka tre difisil, men se le ou rive devan wa konnen pouki gen kek bagay ki te rive-w.

  • Ou memn ki gen chans pou chanje, Chanje! Obeyisans va pote ou benediksyon. Men dezobeyisans ap pote malediksyon.

  • Si nou kwe Bondye tout bon, an nou obeyi Bondye.

  • Pa obeyi Bondye selman nan sa ou vle, men nan tout sa li mande pou ou kapab ale nan paradi.

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