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A Christian's Responsibility (English & Kreyol)

(Kreyol la pi ba)

Original message date: 2/5/17

1) The way we act should not cause our brothers and sisters to sin. We should act in a way that shows that we are imitating Christ. Romans 14:12

- We will pay for the bad things that we have caused another person do

- We are called Christians in order to distinguish us from those who do not

follow God.

- When we act like Jesus and become one with Him, that is what gives us the

title "Christian"

2) The Principles of Christianity come directly from Jesus. These principles should change us and others should see that change. 1 Corinthians 6:11

- The principles of Christianity do not come from man. Man does not have

the authority to change the Word of God.

- Jesus gave these principles to everyone, so that His Word can repair anyone

who is willing to accept it.

- The change that God's Word causes in us allows us to accept any suffering

we may receive for being a Christian.

- Because we are Christians, wherever we go we should be a light in the


- Everyone should be able to tell that we are following Christ

3) Christians have a responsibility to:

- God: We should give Him glory and remember not to do things that

displease Him. You cannot please God and refuse to do what He asks at

the same time.

- Him/Herself: We are supposed to take care of ourselves before we can

take care of others. We should be on the right path before we can tell

others to follow us. Don't tell someone to do something you won't do.

- Our brothers and sisters: Do what you can for your brothers and sisters

without expecting anything in return. Do everything with your whole

heart. We should help each other, work together, encourage and correct

each other. Do not be like Cain who did not learn from his brother. He did

not follow Abel's example and hated his brother. Do not put your

brothers and sisters down, but instead help them stand.


1) Accept the teachings of Christ. Don't take another path that could lead you far from God.

2) Pray for your brother's and sisters so they can have the best. Love them.


Responsibilite Kretyen Yo

  1. Jan nou aji pa dwe fe fre ak se nou yo peche. Nou dwe aji nan yon jan ki montre ke se Jezu Kris nap imite. Rom 14:12

  • Nap reponn pou mal nou koz yon lot moun fe

  • Non Kretyen an se yon non ki distinge nou ant lemonn.

  • Le nou aji tankou Jezu, nou fe yon sel avek Kris, se sa ki ba nou non Kretyen an

  1. Prinsip Kretyen an soti direkteman nan Jezu. Prinsip sa yo dwe chanje nou e tout moun dwe we chanjeman sa.

  • Prinsip Kretyen an se pa nan men lom. Lom pa gen dwa chanje lwa Bondye bay

  • Kris bay prinsip sa yo pou tout moun, pou pawol li ka repare tout moun ki vle

  • Anseyman pawol Bondye podwi chanjeman ki ka fe nou aksepte tout soufrans nou ka jwen paske nou se pitit Bondye

  • Paske nou pote non Kretyen an, chak kote ki gen fe nwa dwe klere le nou paret

  • Tout moun dwe we ke se Jezu nap swiv

  1. Kretyen yo gen responsabilite enve

  • Bondye

  • Ba Li glwa, men sonje pou-w pa fe sa Bondye pa renmen

  • Ou pakab fe sa Bondye pa renmen e panse ou ka fe Bondye plezi an menm tan

  • Pwop tet pa yo

  • Pran swen tet ou pou ou ka pran swen lot moun

  • Fok ou nan bon wout anvan ou ka mennen lot moun nan wout la

  • Pa di yon moun fe sa-w pap fe.

  • Fre ak Se Nou yo

  • Fe sa ou kapab pou fre ak se nou san nou pa panse nap jwen an retou. Fe tout bagay ak tout ke nou

  • Nou dwe ede youn lot, travay ansanm, enkouraje e korije lot

  • Pa fe tankou Kayin ki pat aprann de fre li. Li pat vle swiv egzamp fre li, e li te vin rayi fre li

  • Pa desann fre ak se nou yo, men ede yo vin pi wo.


  • Aksepte enseyman Kris bay la, pa fe yon lot wout ki ka mennen ou lwen Bondye

  • Priye pou fre-w ak se-w yo ka vinn gran sou te-a. Renmen yo.

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