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Follow... Walk With... Dwell With Jesus (Kreyol & English)

(Kreyol la pi ba) Original Message date: 8/13/2023


There are three steps in our relationship with Jesus, our God.

We start out following Jesus, then we walk with Jesus, and finally, we dwell with Jesus.

  1. Following Jesus (Mark 1:14-20): When you start out following Jesus, you leave your old life behind to do so. At times you might return to your old life, because you are not yet fully commited to him. As you follow him, He will change you and make you into someone else.

  2. Walking with Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30): When you walk with Jesus, you should begin to look like him, talk like him, act like him, and reason like him. You no longer have time for the things you left behind for him. Remember that you are walking with Jesus. Jesus is the one who is leading, not you.

  3. Dwelling with Jesus (John 15:1-17): Jesus now lives in you. He is in charge of you. Jesus and you share the same home now. You've given everything to him and he will take care of everything for you. To have a fruitful life dwelling with Jesus, you must be purified and united with Jesus. Jesus starts out calling us servants, then friends, then finally brothers/sisters. Only those who are Jesus' family can take part in his inheritance.

Make sure you are not just following Jesus, not just walking with Jesus, but that you are dwelling with Jesus in obedience.


Dat Mesaj la: 13/8/2023

Genyen twa etap nan relasyon spirityel nou avec Jezi, Bondye nou.

Lè nou konmanse, se swiv nou swiv Jezu. Apre sa, nou mache avek li, e en denye, nou demere avek Jezu

  1. Swiv Jezu (Mak 1:14-20): Lè ou swiv Jezu, ou kite ansyen lavi ou deye. Pandan wap swiv li, gen kek fwa ou ka retounen nan vi ou te kite a paske ou poko bay Jezi tout lavi ou. Pandan wap swiv Jezu, lap chanje ou, lap fe ou tounen yon lòt moun.

  2. Mache avek Jezu (Matye 11:28-30): Lè ou mache avek Jezu, ou dwe konmanse sanble li. Ou dwe pale tankou li. Ou dwe aji tankou Jezi e fè men panse ak Jezi. Ou pa gen tan ankò pou bagay ansyen yo, bagay ou te kite deye pou ou te swiv li. Sonje se ou kap mache avek Jezu. Se Jezu kap gide 'w, se pa ou kap gide Jezu.

  3. Demere avek Jezu (Jan 15:1-17): Kounye a, Jezu ap viv nan ou, e Jezu ki an chaj ou. Ou rete nan menm kay avek Jezu. Ou te bay Jezu tout bagay, kounye Jezu ap regle tout bagay pou ou.Pou ou ka gen pote fwi pandan wap viv avek Jezu, fò 'w kite Jezi pirifye ou e uni avek ou. Nan konmansman, Jezu te rele nou sevite, apre sa li vi 'n rele nou zanmi. Men kounye a, Jezu rele nou fré ak sé. Moun ki fe pati fanmi Jezu, se yo kay jwen eritaj yo ansanm avek li.

Pa selman swiv Jezu, ni mache avek Jezu, men se pou ou demere avek Jezu nan obeyisans.


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